Thursday, June 22, 2017

Verizon-owned Yahoo is killing off the best app it’s ever made

Under former CEO Marissa Mayer, Yahoo failed to build anything truly exciting over the past five years – except for a single truly notable app, Yahoo News Digest. Now, under the reign of its new owner Verizon, the company is killing off one of the best mobile apps I’ve ever used. It’s really as simple as an app can get: every day at 8am and 6pm, News Digest would prompt you to swipe through a handful of important stories from around the world, summarized for quick reading and accompanied by photos, fast facts and figures, and tweets to help you…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Verizon,Yahoo

by Abhimanyu Ghoshal via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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