Monday, July 17, 2017

‘Windjammers’ brings 16-bit frisbee duelling to PS4 and PS Vita

You'd be excused if all of Sony's tentpole game announcements during the PlayStation Experience show last December blinded you to the best news of all: The 16-bit deep cut Windjammers would get ported to current systems. But the time for excuses has...
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

SoundCloud explores underground music scenes in a miniseries

SoundCloud isn't done exploring new avenues just because it's facing tough times. The streaming audio service is partnering with The Fader on a documentary miniseries, SoundCloud Next Wave, that spotlights underground music scenes in six cities rang...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Google Fiber’s CEO steps down after five months

Five months after Google announced it was shaking up Fiber and putting broadband veteran George McCray in charge of the division overseeing it, McCray has stepped down. The company is seeking a replacement but hasn't named anyone.
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Comcast tells the FCC that net neutrality should be voluntary

Last week, thousands of companies and organizations stood up for net neutrality during the Day of Action and as the first round of comments on the FCC's plan to severely cut back protective regulations wraps up, over 8.4 million comments have been fi...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

What's on TV: 'Rogue One' on Netflix, 'Insecure' and Shark Week

This week's big Netflix addition isn't an original, instead it's the first Star Wars flick licensed under its arrangement with Disney. Tomorrow morning Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be available to subscribers in the US, while Last Chance U arriv...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Poll suggests most Americans don't like how Trump uses Twitter

Do you think President Trump's penchant for Twitter diatribes is doing more harm than good? You're not alone... in fact, you might be in the majority. ABC News and the Washington Post have conducted a national poll suggesting that 67 of Americans d...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Google wants to sell quantum computing in the cloud

Whether or not you believe Google has honest-to-goodness quantum computers, the bigger problem is their limited access: they're largely off-limits outside of the company itself. That could change sooner than you think, though. Bloomberg sources under...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

'It' director Andy Muschietti signs on for Sony's 'Robotech' movie

More than 30 years after the original series debuted on television, the classic Mecha anime Robotech will once again grace the silver screen. Sony announced on Monday that it had tapped Andy Muschietti, who just finished directing the reboot of Steph...
by Andrew Tarantola via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Emojipedia founder talks the past, present and future of emoji

We've been a little surprised by the outpouring of enthusiasm for World Emoji Day so far: Apple released a sneak peeks of its new emoji designs, Google signaled the end of its blobs, and the Empire State Building will be lit up in yellow to mark the...
by Chris Velazco via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

This little delivery robot is carrying a belly full of sushi

If you thought that food-delivery robots originated in futuristic, 'bot-obsessed Japan, you'd be wrong. In fact, delivery robots showed up in San Francisco, London and Los Angeles first. Now, however, cute little red sushi-delivery 'bots from ZMP are...
by Rob LeFebvre via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

In a fragmented VR market, one company wants to unite them all

Virtual reality is a mainstream phenomenon these days, with major headsets like the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive now increasingly in consumer hands. There's even a flourishing market in the lower-end, with Samsung's Gear VR and Google's DayDream lead...
by Nicole Lee via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

DC security robot says everything is fine, throws itself into pool

Don't read too much into this, but a security robot face-planted into an indoor fountain inside of a Washington, DC office building today. It's a coincidence, we're sure, but maybe this robot just knows what everyone else in DC does. Robots tasked wi...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Netflix blows past 100 million subscribers

A year after subscriber growth slowed due to price hikes, Netflix says (PDF) it added more US customers in the last quarter than it has since 2011. The company is now up to 103.95 million subscribers worldwide, up 5.2 million from last count. The com...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Twitter porn bots drew in over 30 million clicks

For the past few months ZeroFOX, a social media-focused digital security company, has been looking into a massive pornography botnet targeting Twitter. Dubbed SIREN, after the mythical Greek creatures said to lure sailors to their deaths with song, t...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Here’s a sneak peek at Nokia’s first high-end Android phone

Finnish startup HMD Global resurrected the Nokia name with a new line of Android smartphones unveiled back in February. Undaunted by lack of carrier deals, they've kept releasing more throughout the year, including the Nokia 6 back in June. But a few...
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Listen to tunes in Google Play Music's search results

If you use Google Play Music on the road, we have good news: you can listen to the latest summer jams faster than ever. In a mirror of an update to the web player from several months back, the streaming service revamped search results field in its A...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

US lifts laptop ban from final Middle Eastern airline

If you're a business traveller who wants to use your laptop on a flight originating in the Middle East, things are looking up. The US started to lift restrictions for passengers carrying large electronics like laptops on flights originating in the Mi...
by Rob LeFebvre via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

South Carolina hit with 150,000 Election Day hacking attempts

More information about the scale of attempted election hacks has been released and it involves a rather surprising target -- South Carolina. Donald Trump took the state by 54.9 percent and there was never any doubt that he had the advantage in the hi...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Amazon may take on Blue Apron's prepared meal-kit service

Amazon's grocery aspirations go beyond offering a drive-through store, AmazonFresh, Pantry and its recent Whole Foods acquisition. Bezos' shopping juggernaut is looking to get into the boxed meal service a la Blue Apron, according to British publicat...
by Timothy J. Seppala via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

What we're playing: 'Wipeout', 'Dead Cells' and 'Danger Zone'

Welcome back to Gaming IRL, a monthly segment where several editors talk about what they've been playing in their downtime. This month, we've obsessed over roguelikes, remasters and resource gathering; we've sent adventurers into dungeons, only to se...
by Engadget via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Jay-Z's '4:44' tops Billboard 200 chart following wider release

Clearly, Jay-Z learned a lot about the perils of permanent streaming exclusives from former Tidal buddy Kanye West. Jay-Z's 4:44 album has topped the Billboard 200 chart for the week ended July 13th, or the first week after its brief Tidal exclusive...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

LinkedIn's incessant connection requests are coming to Windows 10

If you're running Windows 10, your job search may have gotten a bit easier. Microsoft has announced that with the new LinkedIn app for its desktop OS, you'll be able to access the full business-minded social network experience from the Start menu and...
by Timothy J. Seppala via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Backgrounder: Canadians are invited to share their ideas on how to better prevent and reduce homelessness across Canada

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) is a unique community-based program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness by providing direct support and funding to 61 designated communities.
by Employment and Social Development Canada via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

New 'Blade Runner 2049' trailer teases more of Deckard’s story

We got our first real look at the upcoming Blade Runner sequel in May and today we get a little more with a new trailer. In this one we're given more views of the futuristic California setting and a few more plot details. And maybe even another hint...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Anyone can steal your old Myspace account by guessing your birthday

You probably haven't touched your Myspace account in ages, but you might want to pay it a visit just in case -- as it turns out, it's trivially easy for someone to take control. Security guru Leigh-Anne Galloway has discovered that Myspace's account...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Take a peek at the new iOS emoji arriving later this year

If you've been not-so-patiently waiting for the 56 emoji approved by the Unicode Consortium last month to hit your iPhone . . . well, you have to wait a bit longer. But for World Emoji Day, Apple has hit us with a preview of what these emoji will loo...
by Swapna Krishna via Endless Supplies .Ca - News