Sunday, June 25, 2017

The “last mile” in education and training

 After graduating from college in 1994, I spent a few years at McKinsey & Co. – a young kid in an ill-fitting suit naively but energetically attempting to convince experienced and jaded managers to do their jobs differently. One question that kept coming up for a number of clients was who was likely to win the war to bring broadband access to homes: telephone companies or cable companies. Read More

by Ryan Craig via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Ex-NASA scientist calls Goop's 'healing stickers' a load of BS

You're probably used to ignoring all those overpriced New Age-y therapies and miracle cures Gwyneth Paltrow's website Goop tends to promote. Remember that time when it suggested inserting jade eggs into the vagina to "increase chi?" No? Well, you can...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Update: As Yahoo’s partnership with AT&T unwinds, users need to switch email addresses

 As part of the new corporate merger of Yahoo and Aol under the Oath brand, it looks like Yahoo accounts will no longer be accessible through AT&T email addresses (or those of any A&T subsidiaries). Read More

by Jonathan Shieber via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Report: Facebook to pay Hollywood millions for original shows

Facebook is very serious about its original programming ambitions -- $3 million per episode serious. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the tech giant is courting Hollywood agencies for original scripted TV shows, in some cases offering up to...
by Cherlynn Low via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

At this month’s WWDC, Apple unveiled refined accessibility tools

 Cover Apple for a while and you start to notice a general cadence to the company’s behavior and strategy. To name one example, consider the last several macOS releases. In 2009, , Apple announced Snow Leopard, which famously eschewed new features for what the company described as “hundreds of refinements [and] new core technologies.” Snow Leopard subsequently set off a trend… Read More

by Steven Aquino via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Broadway Production Of 1984 Is Causing Audience Members to Faint, Vomit And Get in Fights

Well-heeled audiences are really having a hard time stomaching the new Broadway adaptation of 1984, with reports that viewers are fainting, vomiting and...getting in fights with each other as a result of its more alarming scenes. Finally, a theatrical production befitting of the times!


by Lauren Evans on Jezebel, shared by Rhett Jones to Gizmodo via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Facebook, not presidential ambition, is why Zuckerberg’s on tour

There's been a lot of speculation around whether Mark Zuckerberg is or is not planning to run for office. From his nationwide tour to his rejection of atheism, there have been quite a few moments that could be interpreted as a lead-up to a presidenti...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Transport’s coming upheaval

 Technology is continuously reshaping our relationship with travel, and that change is accelerating to another inflection point. Advances in transportation technology reshape our lives and cities, and how and where we all settle. And American history guides us on what’s to come. Read More

by Cyrus Radfar via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Take a Detailed Look at Every Tiny Aspect of the Silicon Valley Credits Sequence

Like all HBO opening sequences, the Silicon Valley credits are a remarkable little world unto themselves. I’ve seen the segment dozens of times, but until I watched this breakdown I had no idea how much of technology’s recent history is packed into the short clip.


by Rhett Jones on Sploid, shared by Rhett Jones to Gizmodo via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Artificial iris responds to light like real eyes

The human iris does it's job of adjusting your pupil size to meter the amount of light hitting the retina behind without you having to actively think about it. And while a camera's aperture is designed to work the same way as a biological iris, it's...
by Andrew Tarantola via Endless Supplies .Ca - News