Wednesday, May 3, 2017

WhatsApp back after worldwide outage

 WhatsApp is back up after suffering an outage that affected users around the world for hours. The Facebook-owned messaging service confirmed in a statement to Reuters that it had been inaccessible, but did not say why. Read More

by Catherine Shu via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Crunch Report | Facebook Hires 3,000 People After Getting Disturbed

Facebook hires 3,000 people to combat the disturbing videos and live videos that have been popping up on the site, Hulu launches its live TV service, yesterday was not too good of a day for tech stocks and GM launches GM Maven to help on-demand drivers rent cars for $229 a week. All this on Crunch Report. Read More

by Khaled "Tito" Hamze via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Qualcomm study says sure, you can control a drone over LTE

Internet-connected drones will be necessary if you're going to see fliers that can communicate when they're delivering packages, livestreaming video or otherwise coordinating with the outside world. But how well can you control them over an LTE data...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Turds Who Voted to Sell Out Your Online Privacy Get Their Faces Plastered on Billboards

Last month, Congress voted to repeal FCC rules that would prevent internet service providers from selling your personal web browsing and app usage data. It was a decision that’s unpopular across the country, regardless of party affiliation. If the politicians that voted in favor of the reversal thought no one would…


by Rhett Jones via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Intel’s new Silicon Valley Autonomous Driving Garage is primed for partnerships

 The autonomous tech development facility is actually one of four garages Intel maintains globally, including one in Arizona, one in Portland, and one in Berlin. The Silicon Valley location, however, makes sure its biggest partners in the emerging space are close at hand. The facility officially opened at a press event on Wednesday that included a ribbon cutting ceremony, talks by Intel… Read More

by Darrell Etherington via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Elon Musk reveals more details about the Model Y crossover

 Tesla is building a new vehicle platform for its upcoming crossover vehicle. Instead of repurposing the underpinnings of the Model 3 or Model S, Tesla is building something completely new for the Model Y. This comes from Elon Musk speaking on the company’s investor call. Building a new platform takes time; Musk said the Model Y is expected to hit assembly lines in 2020, but could be as… Read More

by Matt Burns via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

'Intuitive' prosthetic hand sees what it's touching

Even as we begin to wire prosthetics directly into our peripheral nervous systems and wield Deus Ex appendages with only the power of our minds, many conventional prosthetic arms are still pretty clunky, their grips activated through myoelectric sign...
by Andrew Tarantola via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Car2go puts safety in the hands of humans

Car2go Mercedes CLA While nearly every car-related company on the planet is integrating sensors and refining algorithms to create safer cars that eliminate human error, car2go is putting safety back into human hands. A pilot program in New York City and Washington, DC will give 1,000 car2go members free online driving courses. Read More

by Kristen Hall-Geisler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News