Sunday, February 11, 2018

Exile sues Facebook in hunt for Cambodian leader's paid 'likes'

Facebook doesn't normally have to answer questions about government leaders' public pages, but it might have to very shortly. Exiled Cambodian politician Sam Rainsy has sued Facebook insisting that it provide any information that might show Cambodia...

Trump administration hopes to privatize ISS after 2024

If the US government plans to stop funding the International Space Station at the end of 2024, there's a big question: what happens next? Hand the keys over to the private sector, apparently. The Washington Post has obtained a NASA document outlining...

The best espresso machine, grinder and accessories for beginners

By Cale Guthrie Weissman This post was done in partnership with Wirecutter. When readers choose to buy Wirecutter's independently chosen editorial picks, it may earn affiliate commissions that support its work. Read the full article here. After put...

Government websites fall prey to cryptocurrency mining hijack

It's not just private companies' websites falling victim to cryptocurrency mining hijacks. Security consultant Scott Helme and the Register have discovered that intruders compromised over 4,200 sites with Coinhive's notorious Monero miner, many of t...

Kendrick Lamar bans all cameras during his latest tour

You've likely heard of big-name musicians banning smartphones at concerts, but Kendrick Lamar is taking things one step further. The superstar isn't allowing any cameras during the European stint of his latest tour, including pro photographers. Yes...

Olympics officials confirm cyberattack during opening ceremony

Officials saw suspicious activity on Olympics systems during the 2018 winter games' opening ceremony, and now it's confirmed: it was a cyberattack. PyeongChang organizers have revealed that someone compromised services (including internet and TV) wh...

After Math: It's bobsled time!

The 2018 Winter Olympics are starting up but Pyeongchang won't be the only place crowning champions. This week we've already seen Waymo win out over Uber in court; Sasha 'Scarlett' Hostyn, the most successful woman in eSports, was victorious in an Ol...

Ben Heck's 'Hex' game: Will it sell?

Would you like to be able to buy Ben Heck's "Hex" game? The team is joined by James Ray from the design company AVID to discuss whether Hex could be brought to market and if there are any tweaks that would need to be made first. What would you...

'Monsters Inc' is the next Pixar world coming to 'Kingdom Hearts 3'

Pixar's presence in Kingdom Hearts 3 won't be limited to the Toy Story crew. Square Enix and Disney have revealed that Monsters Inc will play a role, too. You'll see Boo, Mike and Sully (minus the famous actors, of course) as well as settings from...

MoviePass adds 500,000 subscribers within a month

MoviePass' $10-per-month subscription service was a hit from the start, enough to crash the company's website when it was first announced. It looks like demand isn't slowing down anytime soon either: it has gained 500,000 more subscribers merely a mo...