Friday, May 12, 2017

Intel and Samsung back FTC lawsuit against Qualcomm

The Federal Trade Commission kicked off 2017 by targeting Qualcomm over allegedly anti-competitive behavior, and unsurprisingly, companies the chipmaker competes with agree. Intel and Samsung filed briefs supporting the FTC lawsuit, claiming that Qua...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Crunch Report | Waymo v. Uber is going to trial

Makers of Gorilla Glass Corning gets a $200 million investment from Apple, Waymo v. Uber is going to trial and Xiaomi is set to open 100 stores in India. All this on Crunch Report. Read More

by Khaled "Tito" Hamze via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Germany legalizes self-driving car tests

German automakers won't have to bring their experimental autonomous cars to California for testing anymore. The country has just approved a law allowing companies to test their self-driving cars on its roads, so long as they follow a set of condition...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Google’s Fight Against Uber Takes a Turn for the Criminal

Google’s Fight Against Uber Takes a Turn for the Criminal
Uber self-driving head Anthony Levandowski faces even hotter water. The post Google's Fight Against Uber Takes a Turn for the Criminal appeared first on WIRED.
by Aarian Marshall via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Jason Bateman is signed up for 'Arrested Development' season five

Ready for more Arrested Development? People behind the series have teased more episodes ever since season four arrived on Netflix in 2013, but a tweet from Jason Bateman reveals we're closer than ever. Bateman revealed he's signed on for season five...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Ebola Returns, and Central Africa’s Virus Hunters Are Ready

Ebola Returns, and Central Africa’s Virus Hunters Are Ready
Six people are in the hospital, three people have died, and at least five of them tested positive for Ebola. The post Ebola Returns, and Central Africa's Virus Hunters Are Ready appeared first on WIRED.
by Adam Rogers via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Watch the world’s first skydive from a drone

Unlike typical consumer-aimed quadcopter drones, Latvian company Aerones specializes in big UAVs that can carry hefty loads. Last year, they showed off one of their big lifter's prowess by towing YouTuber Kaspars Balamovskis on a snowboarding run. To...
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Microsoft insists on calling AR and VR ‘Mixed’ Reality. Maybe we should too.

Back in 2015, when the the world was just beginning to pay serious attention to virtual reality, Microsoft surprised everyone by announcing HoloLens. Instead of surrounding you with virtual imagery – like Oculus and every other VR company – HoloLens brought the digital world into the real. To date, it remains one of the coolest things Microsoft has ever made. But along with HoloLens came Mixed Reality, a term that seemed to confuse pretty much everyone not working in Redmond. ‘Virtual’ and ‘augmented’ reality were the established lingo, and HoloLens seemed to be just a fancy form of the latter.…

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Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft

by Napier Lopez via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

FCC chairman who voted to sell your browsing history won’t release his

The same FCC chairman who voted to repeal rules protecting the privacy of Americans’ information online won’t disclose his, according to a report by ZDNet. Last month, Congress and President Trump approved the FCC’s rollback of online privacy rules. With those rules gone, ISPs have carte blanche to sell your data to third parties. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai — a former Verizon lawyer — was a major force in this decision, saying, “The more heavily you regulate something, the less of it you’re likely to get.” ZDNet decided to make the Chairman put his money where his mouth is. They filed…

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by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Today’s Massive Ransomware Attack Was Mostly Preventable—Here’s How To Avoid It

Ransomware may be mostly thought of as a (sometimes costly) nuisance, but when it hinders the ability of doctors and nurses to help people with emergency medical problems, that qualifies as armed robbery.


by Dell Cameron via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Uber’s breathing down the barrel of another criminal investigation

Today in federal court, Judge William Alsup handed Uber even more bad news. The court appearance was meant to be a plea by Uber to move its case with Waymo to private arbitration to avoid trial. It failed. After considering the evidence, Judge Alsup instead ruled that Waymo could proceed with its suit. An Uber representative told Business Insider: It is unfortunate that Waymo will be permitted to avoid abiding by the arbitration promise it requires its employees to make. We remain confident in our case and welcome the chance to talk about our independently developed technology in any forum. Further complicating…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Uber

by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Pay an American Express bill just by talking to Alexa

With Amazon's Alexa getting smarter every day, soon enough you won't have to do much yourself. American Express is the latest company to tap into the virtual assistant's skills, allowing customers to use voice commands to check their account balance,...
by Edgar Alvarez via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Licensing issue leads to 90-percent discount on popular video game

If you’ve ever felt the slightest inkling to own a copy of video game Alan Wake, buy it tomorrow — it’ll be your last chance. Remedy, the developer behind Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and the first two Max Payne games, announced today it can no longer sell Alan Wake. After May 15, it will no longer have licenses to the music used throughout the game. Alan Wake sale on @steam_games 90% discount starting 5/13. Game will be removed from stores after 5/15 due to expiring music licenses. — Remedy Entertainment (@remedygames) May 12, 2017 Starting tomorrow, the game is going on sale at a 90-percent discount —…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Facebook Thinks Saying "Men Are Trash" Is Hate Speech

As the old saying goes, “men are trash.” If you’re a twenty-something woman, you’ve probably said this phrase to your friends at least once, possibly over alcoholic drinks after a man has done something bad. Or perhaps you’ve said it to coworkers after your dumb boss makes a boob joke in front of the entire company.


by Libby Watson via Endless Supplies .Ca - News