Saturday, June 3, 2017

Valve promises a low fee for direct-to-Steam game publishing

When Valve unveiled its plans to simplify game publishing through Steam Direct, it struggled to settle on a fee. Did it want to go low and make publishing more accessible, or go high to prevent abusers from putting out a never-ending stream of garba...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Hangouts calls on iPhones now appear as regular voice calls

It took a while, but Google Hangouts has finally followed in Facebook Messenger's footsteps and started taking advantage of iOS 10's Callkit. That means calls you receive on Hangouts will appear as regular voice calls on your iPhones' lock screen --...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Major identity manager breach exposes sensitive user info

Identity and password management services are, in theory, supposed to improve your security by promoting tough-to-guess passwords and otherwise keeping logins under lock and key. However, the concentration of high-value data also makes them a juicy...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Verizon beefs up its prepaid plans' data allowance

Verizon's prepaid plans will look a lot more enticing come June 6th: the mobile carrier has tweaked its current offerings, giving each tier a bigger data allowance. You'll now get 3GB of data instead of 2GB for $40 and 7GB instead of 5GB for $50. The...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

SpaceX re-launches a Dragon capsule for the first time

SpaceX is no longer limited to reusing rockets -- it's reusing capsules, too. The private spaceflight outfit has launched a refurbished Dragon cargo capsule (namely, one last used in September 2014) as part of a resupply mission to the International...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Watch Ariana Grande's benefit concert live on Twitter and YouTube

Pop star Ariana Grande is hosting a benefit concert on June 4th to help victims of the Manchester terrorist attack, and you'll have plenty of ways to both watch and contribute online. The gig will livestream at 2PM Eastern (7PM local time) on Twitter...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Computex gave us a glimpse at how computing will evolve

One thing was very clear at Computex: It's going to be a transformational year for computing. We're seeing several trends from the past few years -- like the move towards thinner and lighter laptops, and the rise of mobile computing -- evolve in new...
by Devindra Hardawar via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Here's updated mapping vehicle paves way for self-driving cars

It may have been a while since we last we came across a Here 3D mapping vehicle, but that's not to say the company hasn't been using its cars lately. In fact, the Here True collection vehicle is now in its third revision, and I got to hop on one -- b...
by Richard Lai via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Recommended Reading: 'Wonder Woman' is timely superhero movie

Wonder Woman, Heroine of the Post-Truth Age Megan Garber, The Atlantic Wonder Woman may be set in the time of World War I, but the movie's themes are particularly relevant right now. The Atlantic analyzes how a female superhero rescues a solider o...
by Billy Steele via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Living a digital dream with Alex Andreev's VR landscapes

"A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming," says Wikipedia. Artist Alex Andreev offers that experience with his VR dreamscape paintings by messing with the part of your brain that distinguishes reality from fantasy. "Nev...
by Steve Dent via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Microsoft’s vision for connected PCs gives me hope for Windows

I wasn't expecting a major news announcement from Microsoft's Computex keynote this year -- not on the heels of events in New York, Seattle and Shanghai. What else could there possibly be to unveil after the Surface Laptop, Surface Pro and new Window...
by Cherlynn Low via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Morning After: Weekend Edition

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to the weekend. It's time to prep for Apple's next big event and carefully consider what could happen if the government legalizes "hacking back."
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Google Photos archiving rolls out with AI-powered suggestions

The new Archive feature recently spotted in Google Photos is now rolling out to all users, but it has an extra trick. While the Archive button lets you push more mundane photos (scans of receipts, screenshots of a random tweet, or maybe particularly...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News