Thursday, June 22, 2017

IBM-powered DNA sequencing could find bacteria in raw milk

Babies love milk. Adults love milk-based products. You know what else loves milk? Good and bad bacteria. It's the ideal medium for bacteria growth and could cause various food-borne illnesses, especially if consumed in raw, unpasteurized form. Resear...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Tesla is laying the groundwork to build cars in Shanghai

If you've been waiting to pull the trigger on one of Tesla's electric vehicles, the upcoming Model 3 probably looks pretty appealing. The car promises 215 miles per charge, ample seating, the tech for autopilot and it starts at just $35,000. Well, un...
by Sean Buckley via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

10 Books Every Aspiring CEO Should Read

If being a leader was easy, then everyone would do it. What exactly sets apart those who reached the pinnacle of business achievement? What is their secret sauce? As an aspiring leader, your goal should be to create not just a good company, but a great one. That’s why it’s important to study those who have gone before you. Below I’ve listed a few of my favorite books to help get you started. From management to personal inspiration, they provide a broad palette to help you gain as much leadership insight and knowledge as possible. Meetings Suck by Cameron Herold…

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by Nathan Resnick via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Sexless Rubbermen Are Back, and They're Hungry

After nearly four years, David Lewandowski has created a new entry in his highly successful rubbermen videos. Now they’re hungry.


by Bryan Menegus on Sploid, shared by Sophie Kleeman to Gizmodo via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

YouTube TV expands to ten more US metropolitan markets

YouTube TV seemed an adequate addition to the increasingly crowded streaming television market, but it launched back in April with a modest area footprint, operating in only five US cities for its first few months. Today, they're expanding availabili...
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Airbnb tests payment-splitting feature so you don't get stiffed

Airbnb is testing out a feature that would allow reservations to be split among multiple people. So, if you're booking with rude friends who never pay you back or if you want to book an expensive reservation that may be too much for one credit card t...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

What culture problem? 1,100 Uber employees are clamoring for Travis Kalanick’s return

More than a thousand current Uber employees have signed a letter asking for Travis Kalanick to return. After stepping down earlier this week, employees went to bat for their former CEO. 1,100 employees “signed” a document by logging into a Google Doc using their Uber credentials. Below is the full text of that document: Board of Directors — I’m writing to you today ahead of your scheduled meeting to share the thoughts of over 1,100 full-time Uber employees (and counting) who vehemently disagree with Travis’ resignation as CEO and the associated pressure placed on him to do so by investors…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Uber

by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Crunch Report | Apple Rolls Out Early Version Of Its Safe Driving Feature

Crunch Report June 22 Today’s Stories  Do Not Disturb While Driving feature rolls out in Apple’s newest iOS 11 beta Sean Parker has left Spotify’s board; Padmasree Warrior, Thomas Staggs join in lead up to IPO Trump might kill next month’s new startup visa before it takes effect Facebook is testing a feature to prevent profile pictures being abused by other users Tantan, China’s… Read More

by Anthony Ha via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Ancient Manufacturing Technique Exposed Indigenous Peoples to Dangerous Toxins

Thousands of years ago, indigenous people living in the California Channel Islands relied on a manufacturing process that exposed them to dangerous chemicals that likely compromised their health. The discovery shows that toxic substances of our own making have been around for a lot longer than we realized.


by George Dvorsky via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Kaggle data science community is competing to improve airport security with AI

 Despite being slow and invasive, the TSA doesn’t have a great record at catching threats. With the help of the Kaggle data science community, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is hosting an online competition to build machine learning-powered tools that can augment agents, ideally making the entire system simultaneously more accurate and efficient. Read More

by John Mannes via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Study shows plastic surgery apps are targeting little girls

Girls as young as eight have become easy prey for plastic surgery apps, according to a report from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The report also calls out the concerns over anxiety and self-image issues related to unattainable appearances.   These “fun” gaming apps allow the user to slice, inject, chop, and rip any part of the subject’s body. “Beauty Clinic,” “Princess plastic surgery,” and “Little Skin Doctor,” mimic explicit plastic surgery procedures ー except there’s cute graphics. The recipient of the surgery shows up on screen and the surgeon (the user), has to manipulate the face and/or body to…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Carissa Lintao via Endless Supplies .Ca - News