Thursday, June 22, 2017

WhatsApp tests letting you share any file type

You can share a lot of things on WhatsApp: images, videos, audio, locations, and documents. But for some reason, the company has long limited you to just a few specific file types, like PDFs, Word documents, speadsheets, and slides. If you tried to share anything else, the files would be greyed out. Now, you can finally share whatever the heck you want, a spotted by WABetaInfo. That is, so long as its under 128 MB on iOS and 100MB on Android. Some users showed off the ability on Twitter: Yeah it's working in Sri Lanka — ☠இடியட்⛔ (@izabith) June…

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Or just read more coverage about: WhatsApp

by Napier Lopez via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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