Saturday, July 1, 2017

Scientists create ride-hailing tech that hides your travel data

When you use a ride-hailing app, you tell the company where you are and where you're going. That's all well and good if those firms truly will never use your data, but some of them don't exactly have a stellar reputation when it comes to privacy. Tha...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Researchers create temperature sensor that runs on almost no power

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed a temperature sensor that runs on tiny amounts of power -- just 113 picowatts, around 10 billion times less power than a watt. The sensor was described in a study recently published in Scientific Reports. "W...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Volvo’s self-driving cars are thrown off by kangaroos

Volvo, like seemingly every other company, has been working on their autonomous vehicle technology and it has run into an interesting problem. While testing its cars in Australia, the company found that kangaroos were both a nuisance and very confusi...
by Mallory Locklear via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Now Postmates' SF couriers can make eco-friendly deliveries

You'll need your own vehicle if you want to be a courier for Postmates, but if you're in San Francisco, you can rent an eco-friendly option from the company itself. The food (and booze) delivery service has started renting out e-bikes to delivery per...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

FAA considers remote identification system for drones in the US

The FAA is still trying to figure out the best way to regulate drones to ensure safety. Last week, a committee tasked with tackling the issue met for the first time, including representatives from Amazon, Ford and NYPD. One of the items discussed was...
by Billy Steele via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The new 'Zelda' DLC is all about exploration and survival

The Nintendo Switch is a neat little console -- but its debut was almost overshadowed by its flagship launch game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game was lauded as a long overdue evolution on the Zelda formula, and it deserved the prai...
by Sean Buckley via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Recommended Reading: Netflix has another winner with 'GLOW'

Feeling the 'GLOW' Mairead Small Staid, The Ringer Despite recent news of Netflix cancelling a few of its high-profile originals, the streaming service hasn't missed a beat. One of its most recent, GLOW, debuted last week and critics seem to agree...
by Billy Steele via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Sony’s latest Xperia is a terrific slow-mo shooter, with caveats

At long last, Sony has made a seriously compelling flagship. Not only is the Xperia XZ Premium the best-looking handset the company has made in years, but it also boasts a high-end camera capable of extreme slow-mo video recording. It's also one of t...
by Cherlynn Low via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Your Apple Pay purchases can help preserve national parks

If you're buying anything from any Apple Store, or the App Store in the US, you may want to consider paying with the company's mobile wallet. For every Apple Pay transaction at its official outlets, Cupertino will donate $1 to the National...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Morning After: Weekend Edition

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to the weekend. The feds have made an arrest following the Fyre Festival debacle, and no, it's not Ja Rule or any Instagram influencer. We'll also dig into this week's retro gaming news with a look at St...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Next-gen Nissan Leaf launches September 5; new photo teased

Nissan has been slowly teasing the next-generation Leaf EV, and will continue to do so over the course of the summer. We now know, though, when the teasing ends and the feature presentation begins, as the automaker announced on Twitter that the new L...
by Autoblog via Endless Supplies .Ca - News