Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Facebook confirms accounts banned ahead of election had Russian ties

Facebook has confirmed that the 115 accounts it blocked yesterday due to "inauthentic behavior" are likely linked to Russia. In a new statement, the company says that a site claiming association with the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) po... (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

New Satellites Will Use Radio Waves to Spy on Ships and Planes

This month, HawkEye360 will send up satellites that monitor the radio transmissions of ships, planes and other things on Earth, allowing them to be tracked by their communications. (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

Alibaba’s Jack Ma opens a startup hub in Kigali to support Afrikan innovation

A new hub has been opened in Kigali, Rwanda which aims to assist the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as startups, to market and sell to Chinese consumers among many of its benefits. This comes after Rwanda became the first Afrikan country to be admitted to the Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP). The eWTP is the brainchild of Alibaba Group founder and executive chairman, Jack Ma. In 2016 Ma proposed the concept of eWTP in the Boao Asian Forum for the first time. Ma explained: I am delighted Rwanda is the first eWTP partner in Afrika, and I look forward to the…

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Or just read more coverage about: Alibaba (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

The UK's first Dolby Cinema to open in London

London's iconic Odeon Leicester Square cinema has already firmly established itself in the silver screen history books, having hosted more than 700 film premieres since its opening in 1937. Now, it's getting another accolade. Following an 11-month, m... (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

Booming Model 3 Sales Are Taking Tesla Mainstream

Elon Musk's Model 3 is the 19th best-selling vehicle in the country, as 15-year-old Tesla moves beyond its niche. (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

The Morning After: Not AirPods, 'AirDots'

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Today we have some cheap Chinese earbuds lined up to compare with Apple's AirPods, and you might need to save that money -- fulfilling wishlists made from Amazon's price-less holiday toy catalog could get expens... (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

China can apparently now identify citizens based on the way they walk

China is home to the world’s largest network of CCTV cameras — over 170 million — and its police have adopted Google Glass-like ‘smart specs’ to seek out suspects in crowds, but now its surveillance efforts have hit a new level with technology that can apparently identify individuals based on their body shape and the way […] (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

Meet TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher at #WebSummit at 4PM today

One Minute TechCrunch! Since it’s impossible, as a journalist, to crawl around all the stands at Web Summit in Lisbon, I thought it would be easier to stand in one place and meet people there! Thus, you will get the chance to meet me (Mike Butcher) and pitch me your company for 1 MINUTE at […] (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

Where’s the accountability Facebook?

Facebook has yet again declined an invitation for its founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to answer international politicians’ questions about how disinformation spreads on his platform and undermines democratic processes. But policymakers aren’t giving up — and have upped the ante by issuing a fresh invitation signed by representatives from another three national parliaments. So […] (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

Hackers infect nearly 700,000 sites with Bitcoin-stealing malware

Cryptocurrency hackers have attacked one of the internet’s most used traffic analytics services, StatCounter, in order to siphon Bitcoin from users of online exchange desk In a targeted attack, hackers breached StatCounter to such an extent that over 688,000 websites were caught loading the malicious script, ZDNet reports. StatCounter is much akin to Google Analytics, in that it allows analysis of the internet traffic flowing through websites. Webmasters must add special StatCounter code to their sites in order to get the statistics, an aspect of its design that hackers appear to have leveraged to spread their malicious code as…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Bitcoin (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

China’s president wants to make the internet ‘fairer’ — for China

China’s stranglehold on its citizens’ internet usage is notorious, and now the officials in charge of it are gathered at China’s main internet conference in Wuzhen. Today, President Xi Jinping called for greater global cooperation in making the internet fairer in a speech that was read on his behalf at the conference, Reuters reports. “There is an urgent need for us to speed up the internet economy and work for governance that is more fair and equitable,” Xi said. The word “fair” rings somewhat hollow coming from a man who’s so insecure about his likeness with Winnie the Pooh that…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

The great AirPod rip-off continues with Xiaomi’s dirt cheap $30 AirDots

It seems like everyone wants to get on the AirPod bandwagon. Apple’s wireless earbuds have proven so popular that shedloads of companies are copying the format and releasing similar-looking versions of the audio gear. The latest in this line? The Xiaomi AirDots. The earbuds have many of the same features as the AirPods. First off, they’re true wireless, meaning there’s not a cable in sight on the headphones themselves. The Xiaomi AirDots also have touch controls on the side of the buds and come with the now standard charging case. Design-wise, they have a very Apple feel about them. Check…

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Or just read more coverage about: Xiaomi (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:31AM

The rise of femtech funding clearly shows it’s not a ‘niche’

Five years ago, global funding for the femtech sector had barely reached $100 million total. But now? The femtech industry is set to see a huge increase to more than $400 million — the largest amount of funding the industry has ever received. This rise is long overdue. Historically, femtech hasn’t received much venture capital funding, since a staggering (but not surprising) 92 percent of partners at the biggest VC firms in America are men. The female-health sector was considered a niche market, which is pretty astonishing since women make up 49.5 percent of the world population and 83 percent of household healthcare spending is done by women. The…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

University shuts down its entire network to stop Bitcoin crypto-jackers

A Canadian university had to shut down its entire campus network after it discovered hackers had hijacked its computing power to surreptitiously mine cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, to be exact. In a statement released earlier this week, Nova Scotia-based St. Francis Xavier University revealed the hackers snuck in malicious software on its servers to run their crypto-jacking operation. Its technical team first detected the attack last Thursday. “In consultation with security specialists, [we] purposefully disabled all network systems in response to what we learned to be to be an automated attack on our systems known as ‘crytpocoin mining,'” the statement reads.…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Bitcoin (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM

Texan regulator slaps Australian cloud mining firm with cease-and-desist

An Australian-based cryptocurrency mining service has been told to cease its operations by regulators from the other side of the globe. The Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) issued an emergency cease-and-desist order yesterday, to Automated Web Services Mining (AWS Mining). Any similarities you might spot in that acronym (cough Amazon Web Services cough) are – hopefully – coincidental. AWS Mining was responsible for a number of subsidiary companies that have also been named and included in the cease-and-desist order. According to the court documents, customers of AWS Mining and its subsidiaries had been promising returns of 200 percent on investments.…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 07, 2018 at 07:30AM