Tuesday, September 25, 2018

磁碟空間轉換 技術快講 中文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NDVo4j support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:42AM

TS - 551 產品快講 |2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2DpYFzs support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:42AM

TR - 004 產品快講 |2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NAarMi support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

SSD Povisioning Tool 技術快講 中文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2DsL6iF support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

Notification Center 技術快講 中文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NCWixP support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

HS-453DX 產品快講|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2DpYxjs support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

NVS 中文版本 技術快講|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NCWgGd support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

磁碟空間轉換 技術快講 英文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2DvSVUT support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

AI TS - 2888X 產品快講 中文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NAXzFM support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

MSI Gaming Stream

Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ https://ift.tt/2DvbUyY support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:43AM

AI TS - 2888X 產品快講 英文版本|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NHGWIM support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

TS - 932X ZH 產品快講|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2DrcLR2 support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

TS - 1677XU 產品快講|2018 CIIF IEI x QNAP 上海工博会

https://ift.tt/2NDUZ1X support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:41AM

Sikur launches high-security phones based on Sony hardware

Sikur garnered attention with its reportedly hack-resistant GranitePhone back in 2015, but the follow-up has been a long time in coming -- it only just announced a follow-up in February. The sequels are here, however, and they'll look more than a li... https://ift.tt/2OSWENL support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:04AM

Panasonic, Leica and Sigma unveil the L-Mount mirrorless alliance

Panasonic, Leica and Sigma have joined forces to create the L-Mount alliance for full-frame and APS-C sensor cameras to better compete against Nikon, Canon and Sony. The alliance will support Leica's L-Mount system, first launched in 2014 and used by... https://ift.tt/2zsi9iV support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:04AM

AI has already been weaponized – that’s why we need to ban ‘killer robots’

A dividing line is emerging in the debate over so-called killer robots. Many countries want to see new international law on autonomous weapon systems that can target and kill people without human intervention. But those countries already developing such weapons are instead trying to highlight their supposed benefits. I witnessed this growing gulf at a recent UN meeting of more than 70 countries in Geneva, where those in favor of autonomous weapons, including the US, Australia and South Korea, were more vocal than ever. At the meeting, the US claimed that such weapons could actually make it easier to follow…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2OSWCFD support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:04AM

Facebook sends Sphero robots so classrooms can apply coding education

Program a robotic toy to move and you could be hooked on coding for life. That’s the idea behind Facebook’s newest educational initiative called CodeFWD. It provides online coding tutorials for teachers and students powered by Code.org, and if classrooms finish those, they can apply to be sent a free Bolt robot from Sphero, makers […] https://ift.tt/2zsqwLs support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:04AM

Google CEO Sundar Pichai will meet US officials to discuss censorship

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, will appear at a private meeting with Republican lawmakers on the Capitol Hill on Friday, September 28th, following recent allegations that the company had previously censored search results. In addition to that, Pic... https://ift.tt/2OSX5rn support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 05:03AM

Walmart will be tracking lettuce on the blockchain

Walmart is asking all of its leafy greens suppliers to get on blockchain by this time next year. With instances of E. coli on the rise, particularly in romaine lettuce, Walmart is insisting that its suppliers use blockchain to track and trace products from source to the customer. Walmart notes that, while health officials at the Centers for Disease Control told Americans have already warned citizens to avoid eating lettuce grown in Yuma, Arizona, it’s near impossible for consumers to know where their greens are coming from. On one hand this could be a great system for reducing waste. Earlier…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2zsXnQf support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 04:31AM

Sext-shaming won’t stop revenge porn — and it’s sexist

In an announcement made earlier this month, the Dutch police have called on adolescents to “stop sexting completely” in an attempt to tackle the growing issue of revenge porn. As we are now well into the #MeToo movement, this shows how institutions are still struggling to address issues of sexual consent and assault. However, telling young people to stop sexting doesn’t sound like a solution at all. It sounds like sext-shaming, and a lazy attempt at preventing the nonconsensual spread of nude images. There’s something very wrong with the way we talk to young people, especially girls, about sexting. Even though they…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2OSX2Md support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 04:31AM

Applications for TC Top Picks at Disrupt Berlin 2018 close Friday

If you’ve even vaguely considered applying to be a TechCrunch Top Pick at Disrupt Berlin 2018, which takes place on 29-30 November, you need to act now. The application window closes on Friday 28 September, so get moving and apply to be a TC Top Pick today. Why would you want to be selected as a […] https://ift.tt/2zs0loe support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 04:30AM

Google is using AI to issue flood warnings in India

Google is now issuing flood warnings using AI to detect and issue flood warnings – starting in India – to help people prepare better for the situation. The company issued its first alert last month in the state of Bihar in India where it’s partnered with the country’s Central Water Commission. Google issues these warnings through what it calls Google Public Alert – a system for notifying its users in emergency situations like a flood – integrated into Google Search, Google Maps and Google Now The company says that every year 250 million people are affected by floods each year, with India accounting for 20…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Google
https://ift.tt/2OSWqGp support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 04:30AM

Full moon patents: Alphabet isn’t giving up on Google Glass

Ugh, the Gregorian calendar is so boring. That’s why we’re disrupting monthly series with a lunar cycle-based series about the best patents of the last synodic month, picked by the PatentYogi team. Get ready when that moon gets gibbous, y’all. The September-ish roundup lands on the beautiful Harvest Moon! As of this month, the US patent office issued over 17,000 patents and published over 21,000 patent applications. Each patent asset adds a little something new to the human knowledge base. As I cannot list all these patent assets here, the PatentYogi team and I have selected the five most interesting…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Alphabet,Google
https://ift.tt/2zsSxmg support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 25, 2018 at 04:30AM