Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Melania Trump's Twitter Just Liked a Tweet About How Much She Hates Her Husband

Melania Trump’s personal Twitter account has been dormant since election day. Once a prolific tweeter, the first lady has since transferred her activity to the @FLOTUS account—she doesn’t use it very much. But the Twittersphere lit up this evening with screenshots of a tweet that was liked from her personal account,…


by Rhett Jones via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Google Chrome will automatically migrate to 64-bit on Windows

If you can use the 64-bit version of Chrome you probably should, for memory management, graphics performance and security reasons, but some people might not be on it yet. As of Chrome version 58, Google says that Windows users with a 64-bit OS and ov...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Crunch Report | Microsoft’s New Laptop Surfaces

Microsoft’s new Surface laptop gets released and it costs $999.00, YouTube gets a new redesign with support for dark mode, Facebook denies allegation of gender bias and a beekeeper builds a deep learning app to save the bees. All this on Crunch Report. Read More

by Khaled "Tito" Hamze via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Did Sean Spicer Tweet a Nefarious Bitcoin Address in January?

Press Secretary Sean Spicer had a tough day today. If you listen to the feckless mainstream media, he ran from the White House press corps this afternoon in order to avoid questions about bizarre interviews Trump has been giving. But, if you listen to the #russiagate sleuths, he ran because the lid had been blown off…


by Rhett Jones via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Mayo maker Hampton Creek is shedding execs

 Food and beverage startups backed by tech investors are having a rough go of it this season, with Juicero all but melting down and companies like Memphis Meats, Urban Remedy and Soylent recalling products, according to required disclosures on the federal site Foodsafety.gov. Now, Hampton Creek Foods, a packaged goods company backed by the likes of Horizons, Khosla, and AME Cloud… Read More

by Lora Kolodny via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Senate bill would make it harder to delete government data

It has only been a bit over 100 days, but the Trump administration is already known for making previously available date harder to find. Within just one month, it not only decided to hide the White House's visitor logs, but also to shutter the Open.g...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Envoy launches in LA aiming to bring EV car sharing to real estate developments

 Looking to make EV car sharing the next perk for real estate developers, Envoy, a new Los Angeles startup has launched its first pilot. Initially, they’re starting with one apartment building and a fleet of two cars in an LA apartment complex. But, what the young startup lacks in reach, it makes up for in gumption. Founded by two real estate developers, Aric Ohana and Ori Sagie, the… Read More

by Jonathan Shieber via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

China increases restrictions on internet news outlets

The Chinese government has been ramping up tighter control of its internet in the past year. The latest set of new restrictions released by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) adds more limitations on what news can be created and distributed...
by David Lumb via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Apple is making more money selling fewer things

Apple today released its quarterly earnings for the beginning of the year, and it appears the company is making more per smartphone even as sales decline slightly. iPhone sales weren’t bad by any means. Apple sold a total of 50.76 million iPhones over the second quarter of the year. But that’s still down from the 51 million phones it sold this time last year. On the other hand, Apple’s revenue from the iPhone increased, albeit just as slightly as the sales numbers decreased. Tim Cook made it clear that he thought the more-expensive iPhone 7 Plus was behind the growth, saying: We are…

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by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Quantifying startup funding inequality for fun and profit

 Income inequality and disparity in resource distribution have drawn a lot of attention recently in the United States. Today, we’ll investigate a variation on the theme, exploring the distribution of a specific resource, venture capital funding, across a particular population, in this case, all U.S.-based technology companies founded in or after 2003 with at least one recorded funding round. Read More

by Jason Rowley via Endless Supplies .Ca - News