Saturday, September 16, 2017

Amazon tests one-hour delivery for your fashion show picks

Ever seen a style at a fashion show that you wish you could wear out the same night? Amazon might just fulfill your wishes. It's testing an option that delivers highlights from Nicopanda's London Fashion Week lineup to local Prime subscribers withi...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Electric car prototype is built for Africa's rural roads

With a few exceptions, most electric cars are delicate, expensive creatures designed for paved streets and well-heeled early adopters. And that makes them ill-suited to rural Africa -- many roads away from the cities aren't paved at all, and just ab...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Pirate Bay 'borrows' visitor CPUs to mine virtual coins

Piracy websites can't really depend on ads, so how do they make money? By using your PC's processor cycles, apparently -- whether you want to or not. Visitors to The Pirate Bay have discovered JavaScript code in the website that 'borrows' your proc...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Nikon is making a full-frame mirrorless camera

To say Nikon has been conservative with mirrorless cameras would be an understatement. While most of its rivals have embraced mirrorless (even a cautious company like Canon takes them seriously), Nikon's efforts have been timid at best -- the 1 seri...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Wind energy mines digital cash to support climate research

Climate change is frequently described as a vicious cycle that depletes the very resources needed to fight it. In the case of Julian Oliver's latest project, however, it could almost be described as virtuous. His Harvest project uses a 700W wind turb...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

MIT combines several vaccines in a single injection

Someday, kids might only have to endure a single jab to get the benefits of several vaccines, thanks to a new technology by a team of MIT engineers. They've created a method that allows a single injection to carry enough doses for the first one to tw...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

A Chinese tech giant tried to buy Spotify

Spotify is known for being fiercely independent, but that go-it-alone attitude might have been put to the test in the past several months. A TechCrunch source understands that Spotify rejected a buyout bid from Tencent, the Chinese internet giant beh...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Advertisers are upset with Safari's new anti-tracking features

One of the lesser talked about announcements from Apple's WWDC event is that High Sierra's Safari will have something called "Intelligent Tracking Prevention," which uses machine learning to identify ad tracking behavior. Specifically, it'll stop you...
by Nicole Lee via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Recommended Reading: Why Cassini had to be destroyed

Analysis: Why Nasa's Cassini Probe Had to Be Destroyed Fedor Kossakovski, PBS By now, you've likely read a bit about NASA's Cassini probe plunging into Saturn to end its tour of duty this week. You've also probably wondering why that had to happen...
by Billy Steele via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The Morning After: Weekend Edition

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to the weekend. Apple's big hardware event dominated the week's news, but it wasn't the only thing going down. We're still dealing with the aftermath of Equifax's leak, and now NBA jerseys come with NFC...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Meet Rembrandt in this Samsung Gear VR experience

The best thing about VR experiences is that they can take you to fantastical places -- or meet people you'll never get to meet in real life, like Dutch master Rembrandt. Oculus has teamed up with virtual reality studio Force Field for a Samsung Gear...
by Mariella Moon via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Nike's 'NBA Connected' jerseys tap into the game with NFC tags

Nike is the new apparel maker for the NBA and tonight it officially rolled out updated jerseys for the teams. They're specially constructed to keep players cool and allow for freedom of movement, but there's a new feature for fans too. They'll debut...
by Richard Lawler via Endless Supplies .Ca - News