Thursday, June 22, 2017

Airbnb is adding split payments so your friends don’t leave you hanging

Reserving an Airbnb for a large group of people can be quite the financial pain. One person has to put the entire expense on their credit card, and that’s not very fun if your friends are the kind who take a little too long to pay you back once the trip is over. Fret no more, people who probably need to reconsider their friendships; Airbnb is quietly adding the ability to split payments with up to 16 people beforehand. More like Fairbnb, amirite? No? Okay, moving on. The feature is being tested with a small group of homes starting today,…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Airbnb

by Napier Lopez via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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