Friday, May 12, 2017

Microsoft insists on calling AR and VR ‘Mixed’ Reality. Maybe we should too.

Back in 2015, when the the world was just beginning to pay serious attention to virtual reality, Microsoft surprised everyone by announcing HoloLens. Instead of surrounding you with virtual imagery – like Oculus and every other VR company – HoloLens brought the digital world into the real. To date, it remains one of the coolest things Microsoft has ever made. But along with HoloLens came Mixed Reality, a term that seemed to confuse pretty much everyone not working in Redmond. ‘Virtual’ and ‘augmented’ reality were the established lingo, and HoloLens seemed to be just a fancy form of the latter.…

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Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft

by Napier Lopez via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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