Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pornhub data shows nobody wants to fuck a man in a RompHim

Who thinks male rompers are sexy? No one, according to Pornhub search data. After performing some behind-the-scenes wizardry, the company today informed us that not a single one of you has ever performed a search for ‘Romphim’ on Pornhub. Male rompers, as it turns out, just aren’t that sexy. Turtlenecks actually get more searches than this ridiculous fashion trend. When ACED Design launched “the world’s favorite male romper” (Romphim) on Kickstarter, you could feel the collective eyerolling internet-wide. The outfit’s so ridiculous it was easy to assume the product itself was a joke. And then people started to buy it.…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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