Thursday, February 21, 2019

Inside NEO’s plans to get Microsoft .NET devs to build apps on its blockchain

The Bitcoin bear market has battered and bruised a multitude of blockchain startups. It’s also rendered terms like “streamlining,” “restructuring,” and “run out of money, shutting down” all too common. But somehow, a Matrix-themed cryptocurrency, NEO, is hiring. The second iteration of NEO DevCon took place in Seattle over the weekend. The most notable announcement was the opening of a new office in the famously tech-orientated Washington capital. It’s to be spearheaded by John deVadoss, former director of engineering for Microsoft‘s .NET framework. He also served as general manager of Microsoft Digital, and oversaw the majority of its product lifecycle.…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft (Endless Supplies .Ca) February 21, 2019 at 07:31AM

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