Friday, October 19, 2018

North Korean hacker crew steals $571M in cryptocurrency across 5 attacks

North Korean hacking outfit “Lazarus” is the most profitable cryptocurrency-hacker syndicate in the world. Since 2017, internet baddies have in total stolen $882 million worth of cryptocurrency from online exchanges, but none have done it quite as well as the infamous North Koreans. World-renowned cybersecurity unit Group-IB is prepping to release its annual report on trends in hi-tech cybercrime. A summary obtained by Hard Fork details 14 different attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges since January last year and calculates the state-sponsored Lazarus group is responsible for $571 million of the ill-gotten gains. That’s well over half the total sum, more than half…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 19, 2018 at 07:30AM

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