Friday, October 19, 2018

Legendary cypherpunk declares cryptocurrency is failing its creators

As cryptocurrency falls further into the hands of the mainstream, it falls further away from its creators, the cypherpunks. Earlier today, CoinDesk published an in-depth interview with Timothy May, one of the founding members of the cypherpunk movement. In the interview, May highlights how the ideology that spurred the creation of Bitcoin is slowly being eroded. After asking May a few questions, CoinDesk received “a sprawling 30-page evisceration of a technology industry [May] feels is untethered from reality.” Blockchain is an ideology before a technology In an article dating back to 1985, David Chaum, the creator of DigiCash, outlined the…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 19, 2018 at 07:30AM

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