Wednesday, October 17, 2018

India’s biggest internet association forms committee to build a ‘blockchain ecosystem’

Despite the Reserve Bank of India’s directive that prevents Indian banks from working with cryptocurrency businesses, the country is still forging ahead to explore blockchain technology. In a tweet yesterday, the Internet and Mobile Association of India announced the forming of a blockchain committee. IAMAI Forms Committee For #Blockchain . The group will identify opportunities and challenges and work with government, industry and #startups to develop the ecosystem. @SecretaryMEITY @FinMinIndia @PMOIndia — IAMAI (@IAMAIForum) October 16, 2018 The committee will help the government and startups alike develop a blockchain ecosystem across India. It’s hoped this support will create jobs…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 17, 2018 at 04:30AM

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