Wednesday, October 17, 2018

ICO of blockchain platform that wanted to ‘fix’ journalism fails

The skeptics had a point about Civil, the platform that wants to “fix” journalism. Just a week after it announced a partnership with publishing giant Forbes, Civil has declared the failure of its initial coin offering (ICO) and is refunding investors. Civil broke the news on its Medium blog late Tuesday evening, stating that less than 3,000 people were willing to back the ICO. In fact, TechCrunch reports that only 1,012 people actually bought any Civil tokens (CVL). A further 1,738 registered but never actually completed their purchase of CVL. Alas, the 1,012 that did actually buy some CVL tokens did not…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 17, 2018 at 07:31AM

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