Tuesday, February 27, 2018

BlackBerry is making a bezel-less phone too

Blackberry is jumping on the tiny bezels bandwagon with an upcoming device called ‘Ghost.’ Thankfully, that’s a pretty good bandwagon to jump onto. As reported by leaker Evan Blass, the device is supposed to be a premium handset that will sell in India. It’s not clear whether it will sell elsewhere. BlackBerry 'Ghost': a bezel-less, premium Android handset from licensee Optiemus; coming soon to India. pic.twitter.com/KTAvKbDl5v — Evan Blass (@evleaks) February 26, 2018 It looks pretty sleek from the leaked image, if a little nondescript. It’s not clear exactly how small those bezels are, as the screen is turned off…

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