Friday, June 23, 2017

Tweeten 2 updates the best Tweetdeck replacement with filters and better GIF support

I live in Twitter. It’s where I find stories, communicate with my peers, and rant about PRs. That said, I’m not hugely impressed with the default Twitter web interface, which separates messages and the timeline into two disparate areas. Tweetdeck doesn’t do anything for me, either. Tweeten, however, is an intriguing little project. Launched almost eighteen months ago, this is a standalone version of Tweetdeck that comes bundled as an application, but has been skinned and customized within an inch of its life. Today saw the launch of Tweeten 2. This is a pretty significant update. In addition to the…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Matthew Hughes via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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