Friday, June 23, 2017

I trained a neural network to create CIA malware codenames

The Central Intelligence Agency is America’s best-known intelligence agency, but it’s still shrouded in secrecy. Thanks to Wikileaks, we’ve learned a lot about its internal workings, particularly when it comes to cyber-espionage. One thing that I’ve come to appreciate is the humorous bent to how the CIA names its internal projects. There are some absolute howlers. My favorite is, of course, Gaping hole of DOOM. Other honorable mentions include Munge Payload, McNugget, RoidRage, and Philosoraptor. If you’re curious, TechCrunch has published a near-exhaustive list of them. Pretty imaginative stuff. This got me thinking, neural networks are great at naming things…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Matthew Hughes via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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