Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Twitter adds filter to keep strangers out of your DMs

Twitter is adding a filter to your incoming messages. From now on, people you don’t know have to ask before sliding into your DMs. If you’ve opted-in to get Direct Messages from anyone, messages from people you don’t follow will go into requests. https://t.co/n1qasb7JZC http://pic.twitter.com/HQY20T5f6t — Twitter (@Twitter) May 30, 2017 According to Twitter’s support page: If you have the ‘Receive messages from anyone’ setting enabled, incoming messages from people you don’t follow will appear as Requests in the Messages tab. New group conversations that you’re added to by people you don’t follow will also appear in Requests. When you enter…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Twitter

by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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