Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Nearly half of Trump’s Twitter followers are fake. SAD!

President Trump has a thing for Twitter. After using the platform to gain a massive following of so-called ‘deplorables,’ Trump’s fixation on 140 character rumblings hasn’t waned. In fact, he’s gained more than 13-million followers since taking office in January. Here’s the thing about followers though: they’re looked at as a form of social proof, or popularity, but easily purchased en masse by anyone with a credit card. And Trump, it seems, has been on a spending spree. First spotted by screenwriter John Niven, Trump’s Twitter account saw a hefty spike in new followers over the weekend. Call me cynical, but I…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Twitter

by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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