Friday, May 26, 2017

Snap just bought a drone company

With the acquisition of a drone company, Snap Inc may be entering a new hardware market. The new acquisition is Crtl Me Robotics, a small drone retailer based in Venice, California. According to Buzzfeed, Snap paid less than $1 million for the ailing company. Ctrl Me’s founder Simon Saito Nielsen will join Snap in an unspecified role, along with the company’s assets and equipment. Snap has rebranded itself as a camera company ever since the release of its Spectacles last year. Ctrl Me didn’t manufacture drones, according to Variety, but instead fitted other drones to carry cameras, meaning a Snap-branded camera drone might be in the works.…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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