Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aerix Black Talon 2.0 is drone racing’s gateway drug

Calling the Black Talon 2.0 the best racing drone for beginners is doing it a great disservice. As someone who has flown everything from $29 micro-drones to several-thousand dollar quadcopters, there’s something insulting about slapping Aerix’s latest entry with a “for beginners” tag. But I’m going to do it anyway, only with one caveat: no matter what your skill level, the Black Talon 2.0 (BT2) is a lot of fun. Like the previous Aerix drone we looked at, the Vidius HD, BT2 has a lot to like. It’s cheap (around $100), small enough to fly indoors, and offers a great…

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by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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