Thursday, January 30, 2020

Top 10 PC Games of 2019

Now that we're firmly in the grasp of 2020, with so many great looking games just around the corner, I decided to step away from the hype and look back at some of the very best PC games of 2019. So, join me as we take a look at the Top 10 PC Games of 2019, right here on the Sapphire Tech YouTube channel. Obviously, not everybody is going to agree but that's what the comment sections for! We also want to point out that due to the sheer number of games released each year, we've stuck with mainly the big budget games for our list. However, if you'd like to see us covering more indies, please, let us know! Check us out over on INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Join SAPPHIRE at: #Top10 #BestGames #PCGaming (Endless Supplies .Ca) January 30, 2020 at 02:41AM

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