Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Returning Americans to the Moon with Lisa Callahan

Lockheed Martin has had roots in Silicon Valley going back decades. Today the aerospace giant has its hands in AI, autonomy, space exploration, and more. Vice President of Commercial Civil Space Lisa Callahan is laser-focused on one of the company’s biggest immediate challenges: Bringing the first American woman and the next American man to the surface of the Moon in Lockheed’s Orion crew capsule. TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Subscribe to TechCrunch today: http://bit.ly/18J0X2e https://ift.tt/2IwFy6P support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 08, 2019 at 10:11PM

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