Thursday, May 30, 2019

AI and the Human Rights Debate

Human rights and machine rights are topics on this episode of The AI Minute. For more on Artificial Intelligence: Transcript: One of the crowning achievements of civilization is the creation of an idea called human rights. The idea is there are some things you never ever do to a person no matter what. Why we have human rights comes from a number of factors. The fact that we are intelligent. The fact that we empathize. The fact that we're sentient, and can feel pain, and maybe from the fact that we're conscious. The concern is that, if a computer were to develop some or all of those traits or even seem to develop them, does that ennoble the machine, does the machine therefore have rights, or does it in some way undermine the concept of Human Rights? If there's nothing inherently different or special about people, what then would be the basis of Human Rights? (Endless Supplies .Ca) May 30, 2019 at 02:37PM

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