Wednesday, April 10, 2019

ML Ops Best Practices on Google Cloud (Cloud Next '19)

Creating an ML model is just a starting point. To bring it into production, you need to solve various real-world issues, such as building a pipeline for continuous training, automated validation of the model,  scalable serving infrastructure, and supporting multiple environments in increasingly common hybrid and multi-cloud setups. In this session, we will learn the concept of ""ML Ops"" (DevOps for ML) and how to leverage various Google initiatives like TFX, Kubeflow Fairing (Hybrid ML SDK) and Kubeflow Pipelines to build and maintain production quality ML systems. Access and Analyze Data → Watch more: Next '19 ML & AI Sessions here → Next ‘19 All Sessions playlist → Subscribe to the G Suite Channel → Speaker(s): Kaz Sato, Zia Syed, Robin Zondag, Fabien Da Silva Session ID: MLAI101 product:Cloud Storage,Kubernetes Engine,Virtual Private Cloud (VPC); fullname:Neeve Nikoo; (Endless Supplies .Ca) April 10, 2019 at 09:37PM

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