Friday, November 2, 2018

Bitcoin ‘terrorists’ threaten Amsterdam coffeeshops with bullets, grenades

Cyberterrorists have demanded hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin from multiple Amsterdam coffeeshops, threatening them with live hand grenades and firearms if they don’t pay up, reports NLTimes. The warnings were sent to at least three coffeeshops and one nightclub, starting in May of this year. Dutch authorities have confirmed the reports and are currently investigating. The email demanded business owners purchase large amounts of Bitcoin from popular cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase or CoinMama, and provided a specific Bitcoin address for payment. “If we do not receive the amount of €100,000 ($111K) within five days, we will make sure…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Bitcoin (Endless Supplies .Ca) November 02, 2018 at 07:31AM

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