Monday, October 1, 2018

TRON is giving DLT devs an 85% discount on Hard Fork Decentralized tickets

We’ve come a long way from Satoshi’s white paper in 2008. Every day we’re pushing the limits of what’s possible on the blockchain, and we have developers to thank for it. That’s why we’d like to offer DLT devs an 85-percent discount on their ticket to Hard Fork Decentralized, our first blockchain and cryptocurrency event. We’re partnering with TRON Foundation, one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, to make this discount possible. Our event aims to catalyze in-depth discussions on the industry’s future, and we can’t do that without your expert opinions as a developer. Blockchain is only…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 01, 2018 at 10:31AM

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