Monday, October 29, 2018

This Day in Deals: An inventor kit that won’t get you burned at the stake

This Day In Deals is our new section where we share a historical fact and the day’s best deal – and try to connect them. The aim? To enrich ourselves financially, and you spiritually. History has a way of being both absurd and horrifying. Consider this day (October 29) back in 1390. On it, the world’s first non-religious trial for witchcraft happened in Paris. Specifically, Jehenne de Brigue was accused of making a potion to curse her husband. While de Brigue didn’t confess immediately, after three months of imprisonment (and torture) she declared she was, in fact, a witch. Possibly…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 29, 2018 at 07:30AM

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