Tuesday, October 2, 2018

French security official arrested for selling ‘secrets’ for Bitcoin

A French security official has earned themselves a fast-track ticket to the Bastille after being arrested for allegedly selling “state secrets” on the dark web in exchange for Bitcoin. The unidentified agent, who worked for the General Directorate for internal security (GDIS), was arrested on September 26, Le Parisien reports. It would appear the agent abused their position within the GDIS to obtain access to and falsify sensitive documents, which were then sold on the dark web in exchange for Bitcoin. The amount that the agent was able to earn from the sales of these documents has not been disclosed.…

This story continues at The Next Web

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https://ift.tt/2DQHRls support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 02, 2018 at 05:02AM

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