Friday, October 5, 2018

Apple quietly removes shady cryptocurrency wallet accused of stealing users’ EOS

Apple has quietly removed an allegedly malicious cryptocurrency wallet from the App Store, following numerous complaints from users claiming their EOS tokens had been stolen after using the app. The app in question, EOSIO Wallet Explorer, came into the spotlight after popular YouTube personalities, the Hodgetwins, posted a video blaming the app for swiping their tokens. In it, the YouTubers explained that 1,500 EOS ($8,500) were surreptitiously transferred out of their wallet – without their consent or knowledge – not long after using the app.  It remains unclear how many users have fallen victim to the allegedly malicious wallet. There is also…

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Or just read more coverage about: Apple (Endless Supplies .Ca) October 05, 2018 at 07:30AM

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