Tuesday, September 11, 2018

We’re launching Hard Fork Decentralized, our first blockchain event

Earlier this year, we launched Hard Fork, a bespoke blockchain and crypto brand in cooperation with our friends at eToro. Hard Fork quickly became a trusted source for the blockchain and crypto space and is read by more than a million people each month. In May, Hard Fork was an important part of TNW2018, our yearly flagship event that brings together 15,000 professionals from all over the world to do business in Europe. The Hard Fork stage (you guessed it; powered by eToro) had room for 1,500 people and was packed throughout the event. It was a good start. In the meantime, we…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2Mkmg3R support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 11, 2018 at 07:31AM

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