Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Review: Monoprice’s M565 is a $200 gateway to planar magnetic headphones

Dissect a random pair of headphones and there’s a good chance you’ll see something like this: a cone-shaped diaphragm speaker placed in front of a metal coil magnet. This basic design has been the foundation for most speakers and headphones for roughly a century; you’ll find it in everything from everything to the cheapest earbuds to the most expensive hi-fi setup. But headphone companies have branched out in the past decade or so. In particular, headphones using something called planar magnetic drivers – particularly those from Audeze and Hifiman – are darlings among audiophiles thanks to promises of deeper, tighter…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 18, 2018 at 07:31PM

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