Thursday, September 20, 2018

Japan lost over $540M in cryptocurrency hacks in first half of 2018

Hackers have swiped over $540 million (60 billion Yen) worth of cryptocurrency from Japanese netizens over the first six months of 2018. On September 20, Japan’s National Police Agency revealed the number of cryptocurrency-related reported incidents rose to 158 – triple the amount of incidents over the same period last year, local outlet The Asahi Shimbun reports. For the record, most of the stolen funds can be traced back to the breach of cryptocurrency exchange desk Coincheck, which lost $516 million (58 billion Yen) in a hack back in January. Meanwhile, illegitimate accessing of individual cryptocurrency accounts and wallets makes…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 20, 2018 at 04:31AM

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