Tuesday, September 4, 2018

How we can save the world by fueling it with our waste

Earlier this year, the federal government announced that it is giving recycling company ResourceCo a loan of $30 million to build two waste-to-fuel plants producing “solid waste fuel”. Waste-to-energy is an important part of the waste industry in Europe. Significant demand for heat means efficient and tightly controlled waste incinerators are common. However, Australia lacks an established market, with low levels of community acceptance and no clear government policy encouraging its uptake. But the federal announcement, coupled with an uptake in state funding, a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry and several new projects in the pipeline, signals a growing interest…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2Q1vdSF support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 04, 2018 at 04:30AM

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