Monday, September 10, 2018

Hacker exploits EOS betting platform to ‘win’ jackpot 24 times in a row

An EOS-based decentralized app (dApp) has been paying out big time. DEOSBet, a betting platform operated by DEOSGames, has been drained of a significant chunk of its operating funds in a heist that netted one ‘lucky’ punter almost $24,000. Over less than an hour, a decentralized dice betting game paid its jackpot 24 times to just one individual. Despite depositing just 339 EOS ($1,695), after the lucky streak was over, EOS account “runningsnail” somehow managed to walk away with more than 4,728 EOS (approx. $23,640). The lucky account was created less than a day before funds were first sent for…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 10, 2018 at 07:29AM

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