Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Rare, Endangered Aye-Aye Lemur Was Just Born at the Denver Zoo

The Denver Zoo just welcomed a new member to it's family. An aye-aye lemur! She is super cute, and reminds us why we should take care of the planet. Aye-ayes, along with other lemurs, are endangered. They're are also super rare, so much so that experts don't even know how many there are in the wild. The cutie was named 'Tonks,' and she might just be worth a flight out to Denver. ► Subscribe for more tech & culture videos: ◄ MORE FROM MASHABLE ‌• Video - ‌• Video - ‌• Video -  Subscribe to Mashable:  Best of playlist:  MASHABLE ACROSS THE WEB  Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Mashable is for superfans. We're not for the casually curious. Obsess with us. (Endless Supplies .Ca) September 16, 2018 at 06:39AM

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