Saturday, August 11, 2018

We DM’d a lot of strangers to ask why they use Drake lyrics on Instagram

Have you ever heard of a musical artist named Drake? Of course you have. Because he’s everywhere. These days, it’s hard to miss Aubrey Graham, the rapper and singer from Canada (eh). He recently released Scorpion, and the internet went nuts, as it always does for Aubrey. Out sprung the #InMyFeelings challenge, reminding us all how simultaneously annoying and captivating dance challenges can be, and endless Instagram captions referencing Drake lyrics. Endless. Seriously, on any given day since the album’s release I could probably lyrically recreate his entire discography from the day’s feed. And it’s not just me — give “Drake Instagram”…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 11, 2018 at 10:30AM

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