Tuesday, August 21, 2018

We can’t tell if this art-creating AI is brilliant or broken

A team of researchers developed an AI called AttN:GAN last year that generates original images from text input. Now you can try it for yourself, and we hope you do. Because we can’t figure out whether it works or not. The big idea behind AttN:GAN, which was developed by researchers from Microsoft, Lehigh University, Rutgers University, and Duke University, is to automate the task of generating images. Researchers consider this one of the fundamental challenges of machine learning. It’s relatively easy for a computer to generate text from an image – it compares the pixels of an image to what it’s been…

This story continues at The Next Web
https://ift.tt/2LcWHkv support@endlesssupplies.ca (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 20, 2018 at 04:30PM

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