Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Review: The Even H3 are classy $150 headphones that tune sound to your hearing ability

In the last few years, some headphone makers have taken a novel approach to sound quality: don’t just make the best-sounding headphones possible, make the best-sound for *your* ears. The idea is that everyone hears frequencies at varying intensities, so these products are able to adjust a headphone’s outputs to account for your hearing’s strengths and weaknesses. A startup named Even was among the first to flaunt this ability back in 2016. Its headphones ask you perform a short hearing test to determine your ‘EarPrint’ – a hearing profile unique to you – and modify the sound accordingly. As Even…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 21, 2018 at 05:04PM

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