Monday, August 13, 2018

John McAfee’s ‘unhackable’ cryptocurrency wallet has been hacked (again)

Remember John McAfee’s supposedly “unhackable” cryptocurrency wallet? It appears a group of researchers is about to prove the once-lauded antivirus pioneer wrong. After cracking the so-called Bitfi wallet to play legendary game DOOM on it, today the researchers were able to successfully send signed transactions with the device – that is despite the “security” mechanisms Bitfi has in place to prevent attackers from doing that. Well, that's a transaction made with a MitMed Bitfi, with the phrase and seed being sent to a remote machine. That sounds a lot like Bounty 2 to me. — Ask Cybergibbons! (@cybergibbons) August…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 13, 2018 at 01:31PM

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