Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Farmers blame Volkswagen’s ‘weather cannons’ for recent drought

Facing ominous skies, Volkswagen was prepared. It wasn’t sweating the forecast, which included calls for rain and, perhaps, hail. Instead, it used the impending tempest as an excuse to break out its “weather cannons.” The cannons are supposed to protect against loss. But farmers near Volkswagen‘s Puebla, Mexico production plant, believe they’re actually causing it. The farmers allege that Volkswagen‘s anti-hail devices have cost them thousands of acres of crops due to drought-like conditions. By keeping precipitation away during the rainy season in May, the farmers argue, Volkswagen has cost them nearly 5,000 acres of crops this year. The weather…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 28, 2018 at 07:30PM

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