Thursday, August 16, 2018

Coinbase launches new standalone wallet (but it supports only Ethereum for now)

Coinbase has re-launched its wallet offering to try and become the “gateway to the decentralized internet.” Hopefully, it’s more than just a re-branding exercise. In a recent blog post, Coinbase announced that it is revamping its wallet offering, retiring Toshi and making way for the Coinbase Wallet – an undeniably direct, and to the point name. Perhaps all the new users Coinbase is registering didn’t understand what a “Toshi” is. However, Coinbase are keen to clarify that this is not just a renaming or rebranding exercize to raise awareness of a pre-existing product. The original Toshi app was lauched around…

This story continues at The Next Web (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 16, 2018 at 05:04AM

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